
  • Hafiez Sofyani Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta



ABSTRAK Direvisinya Undang-Undang Desa No. 6/2014 menjadi harapan banyak warga desa, khususnya untuk menjadi institusi mandiri dalam mengelola sumber daya milik desa. Namun banyak kalangan yang meragukan sumber daya manusia desa mampu untuk memenuhi amanat undang-undang tersebut. Menariknya, dari sekian banyak permasalahan implementasi UU Desa, juga tidak sedikit desa yang berhasil berkat otonomi yang diberikan peraturan baru tersebut. Dalam studi fenomenologi ini, peneliti mencoba menggali keberhasilan Desa Dlingo, Bantul, Daerah Isitimea Yogyakarta yang dulunya menjadi desa terpuruk dan kini menjadi desa percontohan dalam pengelolaan dan tata kelola desa. Gagasan ideologi dan pandangan Lurah Dlingo tentang pembangunan desa kemudian dapat digali oleh peneliti. Dalam Pembangunan organisasi, termasuk pemerintahan desa, memahami konsep modern seperti New Public Management atau Good government Governance saja tidak cukup. Bagi beliau tidak hanya soal sistem dan strukturyang perlu dibenahi, tetapi upaya membangikitkan jiwa dan semangat masayarakat desa untuk berdikari (berdiri di atas kaki sendiri) dan saling bergotong-royong adalah yang paling fundamental. Beliau menambahkan, membangun desa adalah membangkitkan kesadaran dan semangat warga desa bahwa mereka ada untuk “benar-benar ada” di tanahnya sendiri, bukan menjadi obyek pembangunan, yang kadang tidak mampu menghadirkan keadilan. Kata kunci: Undang-Undang Desa; Pengelolaan; Tata Kelola; Fenomenologis; Berdikari ABSTRACT The revision of Village Government Law no. 6/2014 is the hope of many villagers, especially to become an independent institution in managing the village's resources. However, many people doubting that human resources in village are able to fulfill the mandate of the law. Interestingly, from the many problems of implementation of the Village Law, there are several villages are successful due to the autonomy given. In this phenomenology study, researcher tried to explore the success of Dlingo Village, Bantul, Daerah Isitimea Yogyakarta which used to be a slumped village where now become role model village in village management and governance. The idea of Dlingo Village ideology and views on village development can then be explored by researcher. In the development of organizations, including village administrations, understanding modern concepts such as New Public Management or Good Governance is not enough. For him it is not just about systems and structures that need to be addressed, but the effort to inculcate the spirit of the village community to be “berdikari” (autonomous) is the most fundamental. He explains that build the village is raising awareness and spirit of the villagers to understand that they exist have to be "really exist" in their own land, rather than being the object of development, which sometimes could not bring justice. Keywords: Village Law; Management; Governance; Phenomenological; Autonomous





