Evaluasi Pembelajaran Biologi pada Materi Sistem Imun dengan Model Discovery Learning dalam Pengembangan Kognitif Belajar Siswa Kelas XI MAS PAB 1 SAMPALI


  • Friska Hernita Universitas Islam Negeri Sumatera Utara




evaluating, immune system, Discovery learning


Evaluation is a process where a teacher can measure the cognitive value of students in doing something in learning. In other
words, the measurement of training is something that must be owned by an educator in carrying out responsibilities such as
educators, because it relates to the bureau and the responsibilities of an educator in learning, namely learning is included in
carrying out the end of learning. The purpose of the mini set is to evaluate biology lessons in the Immune System subject using
Discovery Leaning in the cognitive development of high school students in class XI MAS PAB 1 SAMPALI Medan. The method
used in this research is the quantitative method. The instrument used in the form of a written test to test students' understanding
of the material taught using LKS (Student Worksheet). The research location is at JL. HITA MARKET NO. 69 SAMPALI with
class XI samples. The research was conducted on 27 May 2022 at 8.45-10.00. Based on the results of the study, it was found
that the immune system material using the Discovery Learning model can solve problems on its own related to the material
and can answer questions, because the questions given are related to life and students' critical thinking skills on the immune
system material. 


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