About the Journal


Journal title Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia Undiksha
Initials JPBSI
Abbreviation JPBSI Undiksha
Frequency Four issues per year 
DOI prefix 10.23887/jjpbs.v12i2
Print ISSN 2614-4743
Online ISSN 2614-2007
Editor-in-chief I Nengah Suandi
Publisher Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha
Organizer Faculty of Languages and Arts - Undiksha

Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia Undiksha a peer-reviewed journal published by Indonesian Language and Literature Education Department, Faculty of Language and Arts, Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha.
This journal aims to publish research articles in the fields of Indonesian language, literature, and education.
Finally, for the academic community, this journal can provide a description of the advancement of science and technology in the fields of language, literature, and teaching.

p-ISSN : 2614-4743 (cetak) dan e-ISSN : 2614-2007 (online)

Current Issue

Vol. 14 No. 3 (2024)
Published: 2024-09-30


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