Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui (1) pola saluran pemasaran komoditas anggur di Desa Banyupoh tahun 2014, (2) jumlah marjin dan farmer share dari masing-masing pola saluran pemasaran komoditas anggur di Desa Banyupoh tahun 2014, dan (3) pola saluran yang paling efisien dalam pemasaran anggur di Desa Banyupoh tahun 2014. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif. Data yang digunakan berupa data kualitatif dan kuantitatif, sedangkan berdasarkan sumbernya ada data primer dan data sekunder. Data dikumpulkan dengan metode wawancara dan dokumentasi yang selanjutnya dianalisis dengan teknik analisis deskriptif dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan (1) Pola saluran pemasaran komoditas anggur di Desa Banyupoh tahun 2014 ada tiga pola saluran pemasaran yaitu: pola saluran I: petani – pedagang pengecer – konsumen, pola saluran II: petani – pedagang pengumpul – pedagang pengecer – konsumen, dan pola saluran III: petani – pedagang pengumpul – pedagang besar (luar daerah). (2) Pola saluran pemasaran I jumlah marjin sebesar Rp. 4.000,00/kg dan farmer share sebesar 27,69%, pola saluran pemasaran II jumlah marjin sebesar Rp. 7.500,00/kg dan farmer share sebesar 26,53%, sedangkan pola saluran pemasaran III memiliki jumlah marjin sebesar Rp. 7.000,00/kg dan untuk farmer share sebesar 21,96%. (3) Pola saluran I paling efisien karena memiliki persentase paling kecil yaitu sebesar 4,35%, dibandingkan saluran lainnya yaitu saluran II sebesar 11,33%, pada saluran III sebesar 11,72%.Kata Kunci : Farmer share, marjin pemasaran, saluran pemasaran.
This study is conducted to know (1) the pattern of grape commodity’s marketing access in Banyupoh Village in 2014, (2) the amount of margin and farmer share from each pattern of marketing access in Banyupoh Village in 2014, and (3) which pattern is more efficient for grape marketing access in Banyupoh Village in 2014. This study is a descriptive quantitative research. There are two kinds of data in this study, they are qualitative and quantitative data. Meanwhile, based on the sources of data, it is categorized into primary and secondary data. The data were taken through interview and documentation which are directly analyzed by using descriptive analysis technique with quantitative approach. The result shows that (1) there are four patterns of marketing access of grape commodity in Banyupoh Village in 2014, they are: Pattern I: Farmer – Retail Seller – Consumer, Pattern II: Farmer – Whole Seller – Retail Seller – Consumer, Pattern III: Farmer – Whole Seller – wholesalers, (2) the amount of margin of the first pattern is Rp. 4.000,00/kg and the farmer share is 27,69%, the margin of the second pattern is Rp. 7.500,00/kg and the farmer share is 26,53%, the margin of the third pattern is Rp. 7.000,00/kg and the farmer share is 21,96%. (3) the first pattern is more efficient among the four patterns because its percentage is 4,35%, it is the smallest percentage if it is compared with the other pattern precentage they are Pattern II is 11,33%, Pattern III is 11,72%.
keyword : Farmer share, Marketing Margin, Marketing Access.