
  • I Wayan Eka Mahendra Jurusan Pendidikan Matematika - IKIP PGRI Bali



learning model, motivation, learning outcome


This study aims to determine differences simultaneously in motivation and mathematics learning outcomes between students taking project based learningmodel charged ethnomathematics and students who followed the conventional learning modelon the class VIII SMP Negeri 3 Abiansemalyear 2016/2017. It was a quasi experiment with a sample of 71 student obtain by using simple random sampling. The data were analyzed by one-way multivariate analysis (Manova).The results of this study indicate that there are differences in simultaneously in learning motivation and learning outcomes between students taking mathematics model project based learning charged ethnomathematics and students who followed the conventional learning model on the class VIII SMP Negeri 3 Abiansemal year 2016/2017. Besed on the research findings, junior high school teachers are suggested to improve their student learning outcome for mathematics. Teachers also need to use a learning models accurately and correctly.


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