Parents Acceptance To Visual Impaired Children In Special Chool At Singkawang


  • Abd Basith STKIP Singkawang
  • Hengky Hengky STKIP Singkawang



Acceptance Parents, Children with Visual Impairment


The purpose of this research are: (1) describe and analyze the description of
acceptance of parents of blind children at Special School Singkawang,
(2) identify the factors acceptance of parents of blind children at Special
School Singkawang. This study used qualitative methods, techniques
interview data collectors tested its validity through triangulation. Subjects in
this study are the parents of students with visual impairment in Special
School Singkawang many as four people and classroom teachers as
informants two people. Data analysis techniques in the form of data
reduction, data display and conclusion. The results showed that:
 (1) The parents of blind children can receive willingly conditions experienced
 by his son, even that happens on stage tertiary phase which should at that
stage parents could not accept her son. However, with sincerity and great
sincerity and love to their children so that the parents that their children can
receive in a faster time. (2) There are several factors acceptance of parents
of blind children is the support of family, lingungan very accepting and
 relatives who frequently give feedback, even one of the parents said
that children with special needs is preferable compared with a normal.


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