Impression Management. Narcissistic Personality, Online Self-Presentation, Privacy Online, Self-Esteem.Abstract
Social media is a platform that supports individual online self-presentation activities, especially for users in emerging adulthood. Emerging adulthood is a transitional phase where individual self-identity is being questioned. Many users at that age cannot make their online self-presentation as they should. This research aimed to find out how self-esteem, narcissistic personality, and online privacy can influence the online self-presentation of individuals in emerging adulthood. Participants in this research were 281 active Instagram users and were in the emerging adulthood age range, namely 18-25 years. The data analysis technique used hierarchical regression. The results show that self-esteem and narcissistic personality simultaneously influence online self-presentation, and a stronger influence is found when online privacy is included in the analysis. Narcissistic personality is the variable that most strongly influences online self-presentation of individuals in emerging adulthood. Female participants have a higher level of narcissistic personality than male participants.
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