Quality Control, Defects, Statistical Process Control, Check Sheet, Pareto, ControlChart, and Fishbone DiagramAbstract
The influence of globalization in the industrial world today has led to intense and competitive competition between companies. UD. Ihtiar Jaya is a manufacturing company engaged in furniture, especially those made from teak wood. The company serves retail product sales, as well as servicing or renovating various types of furniture. To be able to produce good quality, quality control activities are carried out. This research aims to determine the number of defective furniture products and the most dominant type of defects at UD. Ihtiar Jaya, to analyze the implementation of quality control at UD. Jaya Jaya uses Statistical Process Control in an effort to reduce the number of defective products, and to identify what factors cause damage/defects in products manufactured by UD. Ihtiar Jaya.
In this research, the sample used was the number of defects in furniture products at UD. Ihtiar Jaya in 2018. The technique of determining this sample uses purposive sampling. This research uses the Statistical Process Control method, namely check sheet, pareto diagram, control chart, and fishbone diagram.
Based on the results of the check sheet, it was concluded that the average product defect was 10.38% per month. From the results of the Pareto diagram can be seen that the highest level of defects is scratched with a total of 104 units or 61.18% of the total defective products in 2018. While the results of the control chart that have been made can be seen that the quality control is not controlled and not in accordance with standards. From the results of fishbone diagram concluded that the factors that cause product defects are human factors, production machinery, materials, work methods, and work environment.
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