Pengaruh Beban Kerja Terhadap Stres Kerja Pegawai BPBD Kabupaten Buleleng Dengan Lingkungan Kerja Sebagai Variabel Moderasi
DOI: Kunci:
workload, work environment, work stress.Abstrak
This study aims to examine the effect of (1) workload on work stress, (2) the work environment is able to moderate the effect of workload on work stress. The research design in this research is descriptive quantitative. The subjects in this study were all employees at BPBD Buleleng Regency, and the objects of this study were workload, work environment, and work stress. The population of this research is 78 employees. The entire population was used as a data collection unit in this study, namely (1) interviews, (2) document recording, (3) questionnaires, then analyzed using moderation regression analysis (difference in absolute values). The results obtained in this study indicate that (1) workload has a significant positive effect on work stress. (2) the work environment cannot moderate the relationship between workload and work stress, the work environment variable becomes a moderating predictor variable. (3) strategies undertaken to reduce work stress on employees
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