Penempatan, Motivasi dan Lingkungan Kerja terhadap Kinerja Pegawai UPTD PAL Provinsi Bali


  • Ni Wayan Lasmi Universitas Pendidikan Nasional
  • Kadek Wulandari Laksmi P Universitas Pendidikan Nasional
  • I Putu Gede Sulaksana Adi Putra Universitas Pendidikan Nasional



The research objective is to determine the effect of placement, motivation and work environment on the performance of UPTD PAL employees in the Province of Bali. The research was conducted at UPTD PAL Bali Province with a total population of 43 people. The research sample was 43 people who were determined through the total sampling technique. Research data obtained from questionnaires, observations and interviews. The data analysis technique was multiple linear regression analysis through SPSS 25. The results showed that. The effect of work placement on performance shows a tcount value of 2.282 and a significant value of 0.028 <0.05, concluding that work placement has a positive and significant effect on employee performance. The effect of work motivation on performance shows a tcount value of 2.374 and a significant value of 0.023 <0.05, it is concluded that work motivation has a positive and significant effect on employee performance. The influence of the work environment on performance shows a tcount value of 3.088 and a significant value of 0.004 <0.05, concluding that the work environment has a positive and significant effect on employee performance. Based on these results, to maximize employee performance it is expected to consider work placement so that the work to be done is in accordance with the abilities of each individual. In addition, leaders need to provide motivation to employees, so that morale gets better, which can have an impact on creating a comfortable and conducive work environment, so that their performance gets better.




