Tetilikan puniki matetujon nelatarang (1) sesemon pragina utama Putu Damayanti ring novel Sing Jodoh pakardin I Made Sugianto manut teori psikologi Sigmund Freud, lan (2) pabesen sane kawedarang ring novel Sing Jodoh pakardin I Made Sugianto. Tetilikan puniki kalaksanayang antuk palihan tetilik deskriptif kualitatif. Sane dados jejering inggih punika novel Sing Jodoh sane kakaryanin olih I Made Sugianto. Penandang tetilikannyane psikologi sastra indik psikologi sesemon pragina utama miwah pabesen ring sajeroning novel Sing Jodoh. Kramaning tetilikan nganggen kramaning studi dokumentasi lan studi pustaka. Data tureksa sane kaanggen inggih punika analisis kualitatif, pah-pahannyane (1) reduksi data, (2) pangwedar data, lan (3) panyutetan. Pikolih tetilikan puniki nyantenang (1) psikologi sesemon pragina utama minakadi psikologi sesemon Id, Ego lan Superego. (2) Pabesen/piteket sane wenten ring novel Sing Jodoh pakardi I Made Sugianto inggih punika sang pangawi ngaptiang yening dados jadma istri mangda prasida ngajaga kasucian mangde nenten maseselan sakadi carita novel Sing Jodoh puniki. Tetingkesan saking tetilikan puniki (1) tiga psikologi sesemon punika nenten prasida lempas saking parisolah jatma, lan (2) pabesen/piteket sane ngranjing ring novel Sing Jodoh mangda prasida karesepang olih pangwacen lan sane dados jadma istri mangde prasida nglaksanayang pabesen sane wenten ring novel Sing Jodoh pakardin I Made Sugianto. Panilik ngicen piteket sumangdane tetilikan indik novel prasida katincapang manut widya sastra sane tiosan.Kata Kunci : Psikologi sastra, novel Sing Jodoh
This study aims to describe (1) the main character personalitybof Putu Damayanti in the novel Sing Jodoh by I Made Sugianto based on the theory of psychology Sigmund Freud, and (2) The mandate contained in the novel Sing Jodoh by I Made Sugianto. This study used a qualitative descriptive design. Subject of this study is the novel Sing Jodoh by I Made Sugianto. The object of research is the literature psychology on the psychology of the main character and mandate contained in the novel Sing Jodoh. In this study used methods of documentation and literature studies. Analytical method that used in this study is qualitative analysis which is contains by step (1) data reduction (2) the presentation of the data and (3) inference. Results of this study were (1) the main character key personality such as personality psychology idea, ego, and superego. (2) The existing mandate of the novel Sing Jodoh by I Made Sugianto that the author write in this novel that we as human beings, especially women should be able to maintain her honor so as not to regret later on. The conclusion of this study are (1) theree personality psychology can not be separated from human behavior. And (2) hopefully the mandate in the novel Sing Jodoh can be absorbed by th reader, especially the women in order to carry out the mandate of which was made by I Made Sugianto in his novel Sing Jodoh.
keyword : Psychology literature, novel Sing Jodoh.