Ethnoconstructivism E-Module to Improve Perception, Interest, And Motivation of Students in Class V Elementary School




learning, ICT, learning media, electronic modules, 3D pageflip professional


This study aims to develop instructional media in the form of teaching materials in the form of electronic modules by using the Pageflip Professional 3D software application for fifth-grade elementary school students. The method in this study uses the Research and Development (R & D) method that adapts the ADDIE development model (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation). Based on the results of the assessment in this study on the questionnaire obtained the frequency perception of 28 students with a percentage of 93.4% in the sufficient category. For the interest questionnaire to get frequency as many as 24 students with a percentage of 80.1% in the good category. While the motivation questionnaire obtained a frequency of 28 students with a percentage of 93.4% in the good category. The resulting data shows that the electronic ethnocontructivism module based on the Pageflip Professional 3D software developed can be used as a teaching material in the learning process.

Author Biographies

Asrial Asrial, Universitas Jambi

Asrial is professor in the study of indigenous knowledge chemical field. This knowledge can be applied to 21st Century learning at the elementary, junior and senior high school levels. And preparing teacher candidates to understand the value of local wisdom to improve competence pedagogical. By applying education based on local wisdom it is hoped that it will be able to create education that gives meaning in the learning process for students. So that education is able to create young generations who are able to preserve and love their own culture. In addition, education must be able to shape human character with high integrity and great character and dignity in accordance with the spirit of education which is humanizing humans. Asrial is the chair of the research group ethnoconstructivism and that group is aimed at analyzing all the values of local wisdom to serve as a medium and source of learning.

Syahrial Syahrial, Universitas Jambi

Syahrial is an associate professor in the study of indigenous knowledge language and linguistic field. Language as a cultural product of local wisdom is one of the markers of civilization. Ethnic language (local) has an important function and role as important as the national language and international language as a bridge in global communication. Decreasing the vitality of ancestral languages will affect the safeguarding of local wisdom values. Noble advice contained in culture will stop being inherited as language skills fade. So from that, the value of local wisdom must be maintained, explored and developed for students. This is intended so that later the development of culture and science becomes the basis for human resource development. Syahrial is a member of the research group ethnoconstructivism and works at the Elementary Teaching and Education Program, Universitas Jambi.

Maison Maison, Universitas Jambi

Lecturer in Faculty of Teaching and Education

Dwi Agus Kurniawan, Universitas Jambi

Dwi Agus Kurniawan is a lecturer and member of the ASPS Group Research (Attitude Towards Science and Science Processing Skills). His research interest includes E-Assessment and Evaluation specially in Attitude Towards Physics and Science Processing Skills. The age level of a child will experience very much difference, both in the form of his mindset, his skills, his relationships, and his attitude as a student. For teachers, it is very useful to know the differences in the mindset of their students, and about their daily interactions, and the behavior of their students. Benefits that can be obtained are: can create the right classroom for students, can provide innovative and varied learning methods, can provide lessons on deep moral aqidah, and explain the consequences for those who violate certain rules. He works at Science Education Program, Universitas Jambi Indonesia.

Suci Okta Piyana, Universitas Jambi

Students in Education and Teaching of Elementary School


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