Building Critical Thinking Skills of 21st Century Students through Problem Based Learning Model
Problem Based Learning, Critical Thinking Ability, 21st centuryAbstract
The research was conducted to address the limited critical thinking abilities of fifth-grade students regarding the human respiratory system. This study aims to analyze the influence of the PBL model on the development of critical thinking skills in 21st-century students. This study employed a Quasi Experimental design known as the Non-Equivalent Control Group Design, with a research population of 106 students. The sample consisted of 36 students in class VA (control group) and 33 students in class VB (experimental group). Data collection was performed using a test method comprising five multiple-choice questions and 15 descriptive questions. Data analysis involved assessing normality, homogeneity, and hypothesis tests. The T-Test calculation of the post-test results revealed a significant finding with a Sig. value of 0.000 < 0.05. This significance indicates that the Problem Based Learning model has a positive impact on fostering critical thinking skills in 21st-century students. Implementing the PBL model in science education, particularly in the context of the human respiratory system, falls within the effective category.
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