Internalization Model of Discipline Character Values to Foster a Positive Culture in the School Environment


  • Akmal Rijal Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung, Indonesia
  • Idrus Affandi Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung, Indonesia
  • Aceng Kosasih Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung, Indonesia
  • Momod Abdul Somad Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung, Indonesia



Internalization Model, Discipline Character, Culture, Schools


The problem of indiscipline among students has an impact on learning outcomes and their progress at school. Effective discipline helps in the achievement of goals, expectations, and responsibilities in students and an attitude that is focused on the positive behavior of students to become respectful and responsible individuals. This study aims to analyze the effectiveness of the internalization model of disciplinary character values to foster a positive culture in the school environment. Mixed research method with a total of 60 students as subject. The instruments used are interview sheets and questionnaires internalizing disciplinary character values. Qualitative data are analyzed using data reduction steps, data presentation, interpretation, and verifying conclusions. Quantitative data were analyzed with descriptive statistics, RAI scores, and percentages using the SPSS program. In accordance with the findings of the study, external regulatory aspects were obtained by 72.22%, introjected regulations by 81.11%, identified regulations by 80.00%, and integrated regulations by 85.00% were very high. The experimental class's average RAI index score of 0.3933 was somewhat higher than the control class's average of -0.0333. The control class had an RAI index that ranged from -4.40 to 3.40 and the experimental class ranged from -2.60 to 4.60. It can be said that students are encouraged to behave disciplined autonomously, not because there are rewards, punishments or just self-esteem. At this stage, students' awareness of disciplined behavior grows from within them.


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