Kurikulum fisika SMA umumnya kurang diminati siswa, disebabkan karena lebih berfokus pada aspek matematika, sedikit penekanan konsep dan prinsip, dan tidak ada penanaman nilai-nilai karakter, sikap sosial, dan sikap spiritual. Oleh sebab itu, eksplorasi nilai-nilai karakter, sikap sosial, dan sikap spiritual bermuatan kearifan lokal bangsa pada konsep dan prinsip fisika menjadi masalah penting untuk dikaji. Metode yang digunakan adalah R & D model AM3PU3. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa nilai-nilai pendidikan karakter, sikap sosial, dan sikap spiritual yang bersumber dari agama, Pancasila, budaya, dan tujuan pendidikan nasional dieksplorasi pada konsep dan prinsip satuan, vektor, kelembaman, gerak, gesekan, kemagnetan, elastisitas, kelistrikan, dan atom. Nilai-nilai karakter mencakup religius, jujur, toleransi, disiplin, kerja keras, kreatif, mandiri, demokratis, rasa ingin tahu, semangat kebangsaan, cinta tanah air, menghargai prestasi, bersahabat, cinta damai, gemar membaca, peduli lingkungan, peduli sosial, tanggung jawab. Sikap sosial mencakup sadar akan badan material, menghargai perbedaan, kebersamaan. Sikap spiritual mencakup upaya melawan kemalasan, kesadaran badan immaterial, memahami kecukupan, pandai bersyukur, mengagumi kebesaran Tuhan.
Kata-kata Kunci: konsep dan prinsip fisika, nilai-nilai karakter, sikap sosial, sikap spiritual, kearifan lokal
High school physics curriculum is generally less desirable by students, due to focus more on aspects of mathematics but pay little emphasis on the concepts and principles, and there is no cultivation of character values, social attitudes, and spiritual attitudes. Therefore, the exploration of character values, social attitudes, and spiritual attitudes charged indigenous peoples on the concepts and principles of physics becomes an important issue to bestudied. The method used is the R & D of the AM3PU3 model. The results showed that the values of character education, social attitudes, and spiritual attitudes derived from religion, Pancasila, culture, and national education goals explored the concepts and principles of the unit, vector, inertia, motion, friction, magnetism, elasticity, electrical, and atoms. Character values include religious, honesty, tolerance, discipline, hardwork, creative, independent, democratic, curiosity, the spirit of nationalism, patriotism, recognize excellence, friendship, love peace, love reading, environmental care, social care, responsible. Social attitudes include conscious of the material body, diversity, togetherness. Spiritual attitudes include the fight against laziness, immaterial body consciousness, understanding the adequacy, clever grateful, admiring the greatness of God.
Keywords: conceptsandprinciples of physics, charactervalues, socialattitudes, spiritual attitude, localknowledge