Visibility and Effectiveness of Physical Education Learning in Elementary Schools (SD) in Buleleng District
Visibilitas dan Efektivitas Pembelajaran Pendidikan Jasmani di Sekolah Dasar (SD) di Kabupaten Buleleng
visibility, effectiveness, learning, learning PJOKAbstract
Physical education, sports and health are activities that involve students in physical activities aimed at improving physical fitness and improving students' motor skills. This research aims to determine the visibility and effectiveness of Physical Education, Sports and Health Learning in Elementary Schools (SD) in Buleleng District. Descriptive - quantitative research type with a sample of 45 schools from a population of 75 schools. Using collection methods in the form of surveys, observations, documentation studies, interviews and questionnaires. The results of this research in terms of visibility and effectiveness in terms of visibility of teacher personality competence with a score of 7.88 in the "Good" category, learning implementation with a score of 8.76 in the "Good" category, lesson implementation plans with a score of 8.06 in the "Good" category, and the ratio of teachers to students is 1: 26.29 in the "Ideal" category. In terms of effectiveness, the grades of students in elementary schools in Buleleng District at school have been stated to be good in taking physical education, sports and health (PJOK) lessons. For the questionnaire that researchers gave to elementary schools (SD) in Buleleng District, the number of respondents was 621 people. With a total of 10 questions given from the results of students' views, if the total average of the questionnaires given to students in elementary schools (SD) in Buleleng District with a total of 621 respondents gave a strongly disagree answer of 0.3 %, disagree 1.7%, agree 54.7%, and strongly agree 44.0%. So it can be concluded that the visibility in elementary schools in the "Good" category and the effectiveness of physical education, sports and health learning in elementary schools has been carried out effectively and systematically. Suggestions for efforts to achieve the goals of Physical Education, Sports and Health in elementary schools must be adjusted to several elements such as learning objectives, student abilities, learning methods, learning materials, facilities and infrastructure available at school, learning activities and student comfort.
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